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Tackling the Post-MFA Reading List

January is quickly coming to a close.

While I pursued my MFA, I kept a reading log. It was a requirement of the program, and it was interesting to look back at the end of two years and realize how much literature I had consumed.

As I make the transition into the post-MFA writing life, I feel the freedom to read the long list of books I’ve accumulated, the books I want to read, but I also want to be sure I am able to maintain a diverse balance of literature to fuel the creative fires.

I decided the best way to tackle the post-MFA reading list is to be intentional in designing my own reading regimen, drawing on my personal interests and selecting works from various genres outside of what might normally “catch my eye.”

In addition to obvious (and recommended) fiction works that have direct correlation to my own writing, I’ve been lining up non-fiction books, books focused on craft and writing process, some of the economic and theological books I’ve put on the back burner, and even some periodicals that feature essays and poetry.

At the end of each month, I’ll share the books I’ve completed, using this blog as my new “reading journal” and sharing them with you. Maybe something I read will be of interest to you, and I am always (much to my budget’s dismay) adding new titles to the “books I need to read” shelves, so your input will be appreciated.

Hope you are having a productive week. Happy Writing!!

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