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Here’s the thing…Thoughts on Blogging

Those of you who have been regular, engaged readers of “Stories I Read, Stories I Tell” probably have felt a nagging absence over the last few weeks. I’m not self-centered enough to think you’ve been checking your email daily and–finding no new blog post from me–shaking a fist at the heavens and demanding new words of literary wisdom.

But, hopefully, you’ve thought, “Hmm. Maybe Eric’s up to something.”

And, while THAT is true (I’ve been working on several “writerly” things, along with several non-literary endeavors) it is also true that my creative energies as they relate to this space have been waning.

Now, I don’t think this is a permanent state: I do intend to be a bit more regular and purposeful with this blog. I’ve even been dreaming up some very exciting new ideas for connecting writers and readers to literature in new ways. But, blogging can be a difficult proposition. To do it well (i.e., attract readers and build the so-called “platform”) takes a lot of work. There are certain steps to take and mis-steps to avoid. Blogging and social media seem to become more complicated and confusing every day. Yadda-Yadda, cry me a river, right?

Today, though, I thought I’d share with you three recent blog posts that caught my attention. At first glance, the three posts may seem related in only the most tenuous way: they are all about blogging and social media, but each of these authors takes a very different perspective. In their own way, each of these friends has caused me to pause and consider my own social media presence, and I think many of you, dear readers, will find these posts interesting:

  1. Denise Iris posted yesterday about her struggle to find balance between her reluctance to “toot her own horn” (which she terms, “digital modesty”) and the desire to engage others with her writing and her films. Read her post here: Exposed: Digital Modesty and the Culture of Self-Promotion.

  2. If you are on Facebook, you know the ways that certain “status update dictates” can take over your news feed. “Uncheck this! Change that setting! Here’s the only way for YOU to protect MY online identity!” It can be exhausting. Ken Mueller at Inkling Media is my go-to guy to keep these sorts of overreactions in check. His post last week, Stop Trying to Game Facebook’s Edgerank” is one of those things I most appreciate about Ken’s blog. (He has other funny and interesting tidbits on a nearly-daily basis, but I don’t want him thinking I like him too much…)

I hope you’ll check out some of these wonderful online friends of mine.

Have a great week, and, as always, Happy Writing!

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