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February Blues

It used to happen every year about this time, when we lived in colder climates: The February Blues.

I’ve always been glad February is the shortest month. Even here, on the sunny Gulf Coast of Florida, where we’ve had three glorious weeks of cool-not-cold-but-certainly-sunny weather, I’ve been feeling the lack of energy, the lack of drive, the lack of creative rhythm that February always seems to bring.

Granted, it’s been much less severe during the three winters we’ve lived here, and even this February has been filled with many good things; It is easy, though, to come home, curl up under a blanket, and go to sleep rather than apply myself to something productive. 

If you are a regular reader of Stories I Read, Stories I Tell, you’ve possibly noticed my absence, as of late. I took a little blog break, as we all need to do from time to time. I’ve been planning some new features for my blog (and website) and exploring some new creative and recreational outlets. I’ve also taken a little time to focus on me: reading things that interest me, without regard to what “makes a good blog post” or how I might share the new insights I’ve gained with writing students. 

Never fear…not that you were afraid…but I’ve not abandoned the blog completely. In fact, I’m hoping that this time away has re-charged the batteries a bit, and I’m looking forward to doing some new things in the coming months.

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